Wednesday, June 15, 2011

YouTube Talent

I spend a fair bit of time on YouTube looking at random shite. Most of the time I end up far from what I originally intended on searching, but that's how I discover hidden gems. 2 cases in point: Karmin and FreddeGredde

Karmin consists of 2 friends Amy and Nick from Boston, massachusetts. They cover popular songs in their unique style, and let me tell you that girl can RAP!!

Fredde Gredde consists of Swedish musician Fredrik Larsson. He performs covers, playing all of the instruments himself. He also has some original tunes, and classifies his genre as Progressive Rock. His sound is truly original and unique; I became an instant fan!


Original (ok somebody else is playing drums, but he's playing all the other instruments):

So I wouldn't exactly call this a "gem"... Do you guys remember that guy Chris Crocker who made a YouTube video crying over people making fun of Britney Spears a few years ago?

This Guy:

Weellllll, he's now making "music". OMG! Here is one of his songs....

- A

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