My labour only lasted 6 hours and 15 minutes, which I'm attributing to the constant contractions over the past 4+ months toning my uterus. If you don't want the nitty gritty details of the labour and delivery stop reading now. If you want to know read on... you were warned....
0300 March 18, 2012 - Ralph and I were heading to bed. I felt kind of nauseous and when I went to take my socks off I noticed my legs and feet were quite swollen. My hands and face have been swollen for months but I haven't had much swelling in my feet or legs. I checked my blood pressure and it was around 160/95 which is unusually high for me. I waited a few minutes and checked it again. It had increased and continued to rise over the half an hour that I checked it. I called labour and delivery and told them what was going on so they had me go in to get checked out.
0400 - We arrived at the hospital and my blood pressure was still elevated. My urine was negative for protein and my blood work checked out fine so I figured I would be going home as I did not have pre eclampsia. However, the on call doctor, whom I'd never met before felt it was best to induce me as I was 39 weeks 6 days anyway. He informed me that I had to be induced in Moncton because there would be no obstetrical coverage at my local hospital after 5pm and of course we had no way of knowing how long my labour would be. The doctor checked me and I was 2 1/2 to 3cm dilated already.
0710 - Left our local hospital, went home, packed and headed to Moncton.
1050 - I was assessed by the doctor and found to be 3cm dilated and 50% effaced. At this point I was still having my usual random contractions every 3 to 5 minutes. The doctor went ahead and broke my water to get things moving.
1150 - Went for a walk.
1235 - Contractions fairly regular every 2 to 3 minutes and stronger. Also feeling some pressure.
1258 - Had the most intense contraction!! I told Ralph if I was at home wondering if I was in labour or not, this would have been the contraction to let me know I was for sure! Ouch!
1308 - 5cm dilated, 100% effaced.
1330 - Went for another walk. Having to stop for all contractions as they are very intense.
1400 - Started using gas for the pain. It definitely took the edge off the contractions. It also made me light headed and a little loopy. Haha!
1405 - 7cm dilated, 100% effaced. The nurse starts prepping the room for delivery. I can't believe I'm only 3 hours and 15 minutes into labour and I'm progressing so smoothly. I discuss with my nurse whether I want an epidural or not. I am having very intense contractions at this point, but I am able to handle them with the gas. However, I know they are only going to get stronger and more painful. I attempt another walk and only make it a short distance before turning back.
1450 - I am in a lot of pain! I tell the nurse if I have progressed more I will try to deliver without the epidural, but if I haven't then I will be getting it. She checks me and I am still 7cm. I decide to get the epidural.
1505 - The epidural is hooked up and it's not really helping the pain much. After a few minutes the left side of my face and my left arm feel numb and tingly.
1518 - The nurse checks me and I am now 10cm dilated! It's time to push!
Around 1540 - My epidural was discontinued due to the numbness and tingling in my face and arm... it wasn't doing much for the contraction pain anyway!
1628 - We could see the top of Carter's head. He has lots of dark hair. I used the mirror when pushing so that I could see the progress I was making. I highly recommend this!
Around 1650 - I had been pushing for about an hour and a half, but Carter's head just didn't want to move any further. The doctor give me an episiotomy. At this point the pain is so intense that I barely felt the needle to numb the area nor the cut.
1658 - Carter is born screaming and laid on my chest immediately. This is the happiest moment of my life!!!
Here he is moments after birth:
One day old:
Going home:
We got to bring our little man home after 3 days. He was a little jaundiced so we were keeping an eye on his bilirubin levels, but he didn't require the bili lights. We are completely in love with him and feel like the luckiest people in the world! I am so grateful to have a healthy baby boy, but I miss his big sisters terribly!! Having another child does not take that pain away. I know Chloe and Zoe are smiling down and watching over him.
Carter keeps me super busy, hence writing this post a month late. However, I will try to update my blog on a fairly regular basis.
- Amy
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