Monday, February 27, 2012


Peanut is officially full term!! Yes, that's right full frickin' term! I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and everything continues to look perfect with peanut and I. I can't believe I brought up induction during the appointment. You know me, I like to be prepared for everything so I was just curious how long she will let me go for. She told me she will induce me if I make it to 41 weeks, and will sweep my membranes at 39-40 weeks. This plan sounds good to us. We also got to see one of the labour and delivery rooms while we were there. The room is really nice, and seeing it made things feel even more real. I can't believe we will be meeting peanut any day!

I had my baby shower on Saturday, and it was so nice to see everyone! A couple of friends from work hosted it, and they did an awesome job. Thanks ladies!! We are so grateful for all the gifts we got; peanut is spoiled already. Thank you to everyone that came, and all the wonderful gifts. The big present we got was a baby bullet. Even though we all know I don't cook, I think I could handle blending up some delicious food for baby. I'm super excited to use it! 

Here I am opening gifts:

I think sometimes when people have battled with infertility and/or loss it is assumed that they will not and should not have any complaints about their much longed for pregnancy. While I am so extremely grateful to be pregnant, I am not immune to the aches and pains that go along with it. With that being said, I have been dealing with really bad pelvic and hip pain the past few weeks. It literally feels like my pelvis is going to break in half! Rolling over in bed takes me like 5 minutes, and I have to roll over every 45 minutes to an hour because my hips hurt if I lay on them for too long. Also, these stretch marks are getting out of control! My hips, thighs and lower belly are now completely covered and I can see them starting to come in on the top of my belly. I was talking to my mum yesterday and she was telling me to try bio oil. I haven't bothered trying any lotions thus far because I figured if I'm going to get stretch marks there really isn't any way of avoiding them. However, my mum says that bio oil has worked really well on her skin for any small scars, etc. So, I went and bought some yesterday because I figured it can't hurt. 

Ahhh, it's nice to be able to get that out there. I've been feeling like I am not allowed to complain, but I'm only human after all. Despite these complaints I would not trade them for anything!! I don't care if my whole body is covered in stretch marks, and as much as my pelvis and hips hurt it is so worth it. I am grateful to be this far along and as big as I am that I even get these pains in the first place! 

That's about if for this week. When I do go into labour I will try to update on Facebook and Twitter so stay tuned. 

- Amy

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Days 53 & 54

I decorated a couple more wipes cases. They aren't for anybody in particular, I just liked the fabric.

- Amy

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

36 Weeks 1 Day

I can officially deliver at my local hospital! Yes! Oh, and it's only 27 days til' my due date. There were at least 3 days this past week where I started getting painful contractions around 2-4 minutes apart. I thought for sure I was starting labour every time! Nope... still here! Other than that there isn't really anything else new this week.

Here's my belly today:

I've still been doing lots of crafts to keep me busy. A friend showed me how to create a custom wipes case. Here is my first one. It obviously looks much better in colour. Soon I won't' have to make the photos black and white. Once peanut is here I can post them in colour.

I've almost finished these closet dividers. I just need to write the ages and make a cut in them so I can hang them. I bought cheap foam door hangers, and just covered them in different scrapbook paper. 

- Amy

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Days 47-49

Our backyard this afternoon:

My first decoupage project, completed memory box:

I am addicted to crafts right now! Haha! I've made 2 decoupage memory boxes and 2 photo frames. I'm also going to start making my own wipes case covers. I bought the glue gun today.

- Amy

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 46

I've started wearing my belt with the buckle to the side so it doesn't dig into my belly. I think it could be a new trend.... yea? no? ok.....

- Amy

Monday, February 13, 2012

35 Weeeeeeks :)

I know I say it in every update, but I can't believe I made it another week! We obviously want little peanut to stay in there a couple more weeks at least, but we CANNOT wait to meet our precious baby!! We finished the letters for the nursery wall and they look awesome in the room. Ralph bought a staple gun, and stapled the ribbon to the letters. I had to leave the room when he was doing it because staple guns freak me out! Here is one of the letters hanging:

There's really not too much to update on this week. I had a regular doctor's appointment this week that took all of 5 minutes. As my doctor said, I'm now just a regular patient (other than the constant contractions! ha!). Everything is great with peanut and I. 

We decided to move one of our playpens into the living room upstairs. We originally had it downstairs in the family room, but I figure I won't want to trek up and down the stairs all day with a newborn so I'll be hanging out in the living room. We will be using the bassinet part of our other playpen for baby to sleep in for the first few months beside our bed. I'm doing really bad with my 365 project... so here's a photo of the playpen in our living room....oooohhhh ahhhhhh!

I was bored so I made a little collage of my belly pics from 20 weeks til' today. The bottom middle and bottom right photos were taken today:

And just because I love my husband and I like this photo, here we are at my nursing graduation, 2010:

- Amy

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Days 39 & 40

A project I've been working on the past few days. It's a memory box I bought from Walmart that I painted on top and am experimenting with decoupage on the bottom. Decoupage basically seems to be putting a collage onto an object of some sort. It's really fun and relaxing! The paper is just some scrapbooking paper I cut up.

Ralph putting the glider and ottoman together. Now that the nursery is set-up and organized I often sit in there daydreaming about little peanut :)

Ralph and I had booked a hotel in Halifax for this weekend figuring it would be nice to get a final weekend away before baby arrives. However, we had to cancel it today when we learned approx. 30cm of snow is coming this way Saturday and Sunday. I'm quite disappointed. We were going to bring our hospital bags in case I went into labour while there. If baby is still holding on next week we may consider trying to go next weekend. 

- Amy

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

34 Weeks 1 Day

I'm 34 weeks 1 day today! This is such a big milestone, I can't believe I've made it this far. Our next goal is 36 weeks because I can deliver at my local hospital at that point. I mentioned in my update last week that I had been having more contractions than usual; this has continued for the past week. I am getting them at least every 10 minutes. They have been every 3-4 minutes for the past few hours, and are getting a little painful at times. I'm currently chugging back water hoping they settle down.

I've been in craft mode the past week. We bought wooden letters from Walmart to spell out little peanuts name, and will be hanging them on the wall in the nursery. I've painted them, I just need to buy ribbon to hang them. I've also been making gifts for people, and can't wait to give them out. Oh, and I started a new blanket. The nursery is pretty much complete, and we love how it turned out! I'll post photos when little peanut is here. 

I had somebody comment to me yesterday that the baby looked really low and I could give birth any day, but I've been carrying low like that the whole time. Oh yeah, I've had stretch marks on my hips for weeks now, but noticed in the past week that I am now getting some on my belly. Ah well, it's all part of the joy of pregnancy :) I am by no means complaining! Bring it on!

Here's the belly today at 34 weeks 1 day:

Here's a couple of photos from crafting. 365 Project Days 36 & 37:

- Amy

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 34 & 35

Ralph and I have been busy the past few days getting little peanut's room organized, and cleaning and organizing the rest of the house. I was too lazy to post a photo yesterday. So here's 2.... sorry they are blurry they were taken with my phone.

Taken June 2010 trying on dresses for my nursing graduation. Yea.... I'm burnt to a crisp from playing in a soccer tournament a few days before. Such lovely sock lines!

Taken July 2010 in Courtenay, British Columbia. Woman on segway = awesomesauce!

- Amy

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Big Baby

I had my ultrasound and doctors appointment today. Our not so little peanut is measuring 9 days ahead and has an estimated weight of 5lb 5oz. The ultrasound tech said the weight is give or take 12oz. Yikes, I can't imagine adding 12oz to that! My doctors appointment went well. I found out that if I go into labour anytime after Monday (34 weeks) there will be no effort made to stop it. Aghhh! Hopefully baby holds on for a few more weeks. Although, I'm nowhere near as anxious now as I was a few weeks ago. Now that I know peanut is a good size and I'll be 34 weeks in a few days, which is a HUGE milestone I know they would be ok if they were born now. Of course they would need to be in the NICU for a bit to get bigger and learn to eat, but that's not too bad. I find myself watching a lot of baby shows right now and I cry EVERY single time the baby is born. I am just so happy and excited, and can't believe how close we are to meeting our peanut!!

365 Project - Day 33

Photo taken summer 2009 at Goose spit, Comox, British Columbia. 

- Amy

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Day 32

Our dog Rusty thinks he's a cat and always sits on the back of the couch.

- Amy