Tuesday, January 31, 2012

33 Weeks 1 Day

Another week down and baby seems to be pretty comfy. I have a doctors appointment and growth ultrasound on Thursday so we can see how big our peanut is. I've been having a TON of contractions the past 24 hours or so, sometimes every 3-5 minutes but I'm not rushing into Labour and Delivery. They aren't getting anymore intense, and they spread out when I change activity. I'm trying to hold out for my appointment on Thursday.

I went to a friends house for sushi on the weekend. No, I didn't eat any raw stuff, only cooked! It was nice to get out of the house and socialize, and the sushi was delicious!! Haven't had it for over a year.

Our crib and glider/ottoman are supposed to arrive this weekend. Lucky Ralph gets to spend the weekend putting those together. Poor guy, maybe one weekend I won't have a list of things for him to do.... maybe. I just really feel the need to have everything ready, as we know little peanut could be coming any day now. Thanks for being such a trooper Ralph :)

Belly pic from today, 33 weeks 1 day:

I missed my photo yesterday for my 365 project, so here's a photo of me as a baby:

- Amy

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 29

This is my room in 2004. I'm 17 in the photo. There's a lot going on those walls!!

- Amy

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Day 28

Taken 2009 on the west coast of Ireland somewhere.... I don't remember exactly where, but it was nice :)

- Amy

Friday, January 27, 2012

Day 27

I've been extra hungry the past couple of weeks and have to get up almost every night to eat. My snack of choice has been cereal of any kind and I can't have just one bowl, I have about 3 or 4 at a time. My favourite cereal right now is Cinnamon Pops, which are just cinnamon flavoured Corn Pops. Mmmmmm.......

- Amy

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 26

My eyesight has been ridiculously bad the past few weeks. I find myself squinting to read and have to zoom in on the computer screen. Of course I was worried this may be a sign of pre eclampsia, but I don't have any crazy swelling, no headache, and my blood pressure is good for the most part. So I'm just chalking it up to an unfortunate, normal pregnancy symptom. I have glasses I'm supposed to wear for reading, but figured they probably wouldn't help with how bad my vision is right now. Anyway, I put them on this evening and I can see!! Yay! Things are still a little blurry, but much better. Here's a photo of me from photo booth with my glasses on.

- Amy

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

32 Weeks 2 Days

Oops, I guess I dropped the ball on blogging the last few days. I've just been really tired lately. Ever since my hospital admission last week, I've at least been back on a half normal sleeping schedule. I get up around 9am but I'm so tired by the end of the day that I've been falling asleep around 7pm. I usually blog at night, hence I've skipped a few days. I napped midday today so I'm not too bad right now. I think I'm going to have to fit a daily nap into my busy schedule...

Anywhoo, I'm 32 weeks 2 days today. Ralph and I did some more baby shopping on the weekend. We got the crib mattress and a few other small things. Now we just need a dresser and some little things and we're done. I'm getting really frustrated trying to find a dresser. The crib and glider/ottoman are espresso so I started off looking for a dresser in a matching colour to no avail. We then decided we didn't care about the colour and just need something, still nothing! We've looked in all the stores here and in Moncton, and refuse to pay $500! I've been stalking Kijiji and found a nice one today that just got posted yesterday. I called and BAHM sold! So, if anybody has a nice tall dresser with 4-5 drawers in it for sale please let me know.

Ralph and I also went out for dinner and a movie on the weekend. We went to the Keg, figuring it could be our last chance for a quiet dinner just the two of us. Then we went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I've been too scared to go to a movie while pregnant since I went into labour with my girls in a movie theatre. I know it is completely irrational but I couldn't bring myself to go until now. It was a good movie but I was SO uncomfortable!! My back was killing me, my ribs were killing me, and the loud noises had little peanut bouncing off the walls of my uterus. So, that may be the last movie for a while.

I went on Skype yesterday with my mum and sister. It was so nice to see them and show them all the baby stuff. I wish they lived closer so they could enjoy this pregnancy with me, but they are hopefully coming to visit in April and I can't wait!

That's really about it. We are just thankful for everyday that little peanut stays put.

Here's the belly today at 32 weeks 2 day (this is a maternity top....yeah it's not covering the belly anymore, lol).

I've missed so many days for my 365 project so I'm just going to post a few photos now to catch up.

On the ferry from Vancouver to Nanaimo playing around with my new camera.

Strange coloured pigeon in Campbell River, British Columbia.

The little place on the left is called Dicks fish and chips in Campbell River, British Columbia. They serve the most amazing deep fried Mars Bars!! I brought my family there when they came over for my graduation in 2010. 

Flowers somewhere in Campbell River, British Columbia.

- Amy

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Home again

I was discharged home yesterday (Saturday). Yay! I continue to get frequent contractions, some regular some irregular but there was no change in cervical dilation which is great. I didn't get much sleep Friday night, so I've been napping since I got home and just woke up at 1230am Sunday hence I missed posting yesterday. 

Anywhoo here is a photo of Ralph and I sitting on a giant chair somewhere in Ontario. It was taken on our move across Canada. 

- Amy

Friday, January 20, 2012

3rd Admission

Thank you to my wonderful husband for posting for me yesterday. So, as you know I'm back in the hospital. From about Tuesday night til' early Thursday morning I was having increased contractions again and just felt that I should get checked out. The doctor discovered that I was 1cm dilated and decided to admit me to keep an eye on things. My cervix is still about the same length. I know you really want to hear all the details. Haha! My contractions are all over the place, sometimes 6 minutes apart sometimes up to 14 minutes apart.

I received 2 steroid injections 24 hours apart to help the babys lungs if they decide to arrive in the next 2 weeks. The plan is for me to stay again tonight. The doctor will check things out tomorrow. If everything seems to be the same I will get to go home. If things are progressing I suppose we'll go from there. I likely would be transferred to Halifax.

I'll update tomorrow. Here is a photo of my room taken from my phone.

- Amy

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 19

Hey everybody, Amy's husband Ralph here, Amy has gone into the hospital with some pre-term labour issues, the arrival of our little one seems closer. Hopefully we can keep the lil' one in there longer, this is a picture of Amy and myself at 7 aside Co-Ed Soccer, our team Horizon United didn't always win but always had a good time. We can't wait to get back to playing soccer together :) Well this is my first post on her behalf, hopefully my wife will be well enough to keep this 365 project going. 

- Ralph 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Day 18

We went to our second prenatal class tonight where we talked about breastfeeding and basic infant care. It was a good class, and we've got lots more reading material for the next few weeks to keep us busy.

- Amy

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 17

Ralph and I's first photo together. Taken at the Airdrie Rodeo, 2003.

- Amy

Monday, January 16, 2012

31 Weeks

I'm 31 weeks pregnant today. This last week just flew by, and I can't believe we have 9 weeks max left til' baby is here! We went shopping again this last weekend and finally got the crib, as well as the glider and ottoman. We got them on sale at Sears and will take 3 weeks to arrive. I also ordered a Beco carrier online. It was $69 down from $145 on MamaBargains! I would like to carry baby as much as possible instead of having them in the stroller. Soooo excited!

I had another ultrasound and doctors appointment this week and everything is still looking good with baby and I. That's really about it for this week.

31 week belly

- Amy

P.S. - I decided to change up the blog. The background is a photo I took near Jasper, Alberta in 2010 on our move across Canada. The top photo was taken by me in the Comox Valley, BC.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Day 15

Surfing in Tofino, Vancouver Island, British Columbia September 2008.

- Amy

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Day 14

Me :) I'm not sure how I old I was here, maybe 6 or 7? Photo taken in Scotland circa 1991.... Mum help me out here!

- Amy

Friday, January 13, 2012

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Day 12

We just got some snow this evening; this is the view from our front door. It hasn't really felt like winter yet, I feel like we had way more snow by this time last year. Of course I'm sure I just jinxed it! I like the snow, but hate the cold that comes with it. I'm going to miss not being able to snowboard this year, but it'll be worth it.

- Amy

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Officially Nesting

Ralph has put together some shelves for the nursery and I'm beginning to organize things. It feels so good to be able to do something! I feel so useless lately and don't have much control over anything. This is something I can control and I can organize things how I want. Once we have our crib and bedding I plan on making some nursery decorations. My mother-in-law just sent all the stuff we had bought for our girls, 2 crib sets, blankets, hats, baby monitor, etc. It will definitely feel a bit strange to be using them for this little one, but better they be used than sit in a box. I can't wait for them to arrive. I also ordered some cute clothes on eBay, and am anxiously awaiting for them too. I love getting things in the mail, it's so exciting!

Nesting :)

- Amy

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Day 10

Ralph putting together the swing/bouncer in the baby's room. The room is disorganized right now and it's driving me crazy! If I didn't have to be taking it easy I swear I would have everything done. Oh well, I know it will all get done eventually.

- Amy

Monday, January 9, 2012

30 Weeks

I am 30 weeks today. I can't believe I made it to the 30's. We got a bunch of second hand baby clothes on the weekend. Around 140 articles of clothing for $80! Ralph has started to put things together, and the room is almost completely cleared out. We still don't have a crib. I've been looking for a second hand one, but haven't found anything. I was looking at a Stork Craft one at Walmart that was around $300, but they are sold out. So, I'm not really sure where we are going to get one. I really don't want to pay much more than that. I have a huge desire to nest right now, but it's kind of difficult while on bed rest. I do what I can while sitting. I can't wait til' all the clothes are washed so I can organize them.

We went to our first prenatal class today, focused on labour and delivery. I have read up on most of this stuff anyway, but it was good for a refresher. Ralph got a little creeped out by the birth video. Haha! I of course cried... There's only one more class next week about basic baby care, breastfeeding, etc. I am looking forward to that. I have another ultrasound and doctor's appointment this week, so hopefully all is still well.

I want to get maternity photo's taken around the end of this month. I was talking to my mum the other day, and she thinks they aren't necessary. I know they aren't, but I would really like to do this. This very well could be my last pregnancy... I have no idea. I don't know if I will be able to get pregnant again, and if I can I don't know if I could endure this physical and emotional stress again. It's really quite sad to think of. Ralph is really very good to me, and very supportive but I am the one that has to go through this. I have to worry 24/7 about whether these contractions are true labour or not. I constantly worry about our baby being born early. I wonder if the baby is growing properly, if they are moving enough/too much, about every ache and pain. I feel that nobody around me has gone through what I'm going through, and will never understand how incredibly difficult this is! No matter how hard I try to keep our baby safe, I can't foresee or control the future. I just have to have faith that this is our time to take home our baby.

I'm getting very emotional these past few weeks. We are so close to taking our little peanut home, but I'm still so very scared! Thanks for reading.... sorry I just spewed out my emotions there.

30 Week Belly

- Amy

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Day 8

The Bay of Fundy near Economy, Nova Scotia November 2011. We are hoping to explore more of Nova Scotia this year.

- Amy

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Day 7

Me, snowboarding in June 2010 at Mount Washington, Comox Valley, British Columbia.

- Amy

Friday, January 6, 2012

Day 6

I really have nothing interesting to photograph right now so I'm probably going to post random photo's I've taken in the past for the next little while.

This is my husband Ralph at Point Holmes, Comox British Columbia. It was taken in March, 2010. I really miss Vancouver Island, it is absolutely beautiful! We can't wait to move back.

- Amy

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3

Day 3

Yeah, I'm aware that this is a boring photo... But, this was my day. Watching TV in bed and browsing the net. I didn't fall asleep until around 7am this morning, then got up at 6pm. My days and nights are completely backwards! 

I can't believe I'm only on day 3 of this project and already running out of photo ideas. Anyway, this is the Canada-Russia semi final hockey game. I love how hockey can bring this whole country together, the young and the old. It's not looking too good for the Canadians right now though, losing 1-5. Hopefully they can make a comeback!

I'm hoping I can be a little more creative with my other photos. I would love to take photos outside, but can't really go too far being on bedrest. Plus, I need to be awake during human hours to catch some sunlight. Ha! Maybe I'll try sneaking out for a little bit one of these days. 

- Amy

Babies are expensive

Well, I had an eventful past week. My contractions picked up to every 2-5 minutes early Wednesday morning. We headed to the hospital, and after being there around an hour they picked up to every 2 minutes, and were regular. I thought for sure this was it. The doctor checked me out and I somehow, someway was not in labour! I got some IV fluids, morphine and fell asleep. I had my ultrasound already scheduled for Wednesday afternoon, so I had that and everything looks great with baby and I. I stayed over Wednesday night too just to make sure the contractions didn't get worse. I was discharged home Thursday afternoon with contractions around every 6-8 minutes. When I was telling people I was going home they couldn't believe it with contractions that often, but the contractions aren't doing anything at this point. They are more frustrating than anything. So, now I get them around 5-6 times per hour, every hour of every day. FUN!

On the bright side of things, we finally went shopping for baby! Yay! Ralph pushed me around in a wheelchair so I wasn't doing too much. We've bought a stroller/carseat set, 2 playpens, a swing/bouncer, some clothes, diaper bag, diapers, wipes, a blanket, and some other small things. Oh, yeah I'm not sure if you're aware, but... babies are expensive!! Ha! Luckily we got a really good deal on the stroller/carseat set, playpen, and swing/bouncer at Babies R Us yesterday. We've decided we are going to buy most of the clothes second hand. We figure babies usually grow out of clothes pretty fast, therefore only wear things a handful of times. So, if we buy them second hand they should still be in good condition and we don't have to pay full price for them. Of course we are still going to buy a few of them new, I just got a little onesie on ebay yesterday. 

We also started clearing out what will be baby's room on the weekend. It was sort of a guest room, but we've moved the bed out and now it's filled with all the new baby stuff. It's getting so exciting! I have 11 weeks left max. However, it's rather unlikely I will be holding on that long, but you never know. 

I'll leave you with my most recent belly shot, taken yesterday at 29 weeks.

- Amy

Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2

Day 2

My in-laws little dog passed away yesterday, his name was Buddy. He was such a sweet dog, and we are going to miss him dearly. Of course times like this make me really appreciate my own furry friend. This is our dog Rusty; he is like a child to my husband and I. We love his little antics and of course his snuggles.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

365 Project

After seeing somebody post on Facebook about starting a 365 project, I decided to find out what it was all about. The idea is basically to capture your life with a photo a day. Since I love photography and it would give me something to focus on each day, I've decided I will give it a try. There is a website dedicated to this project that helps you set up your own album - 365Project. I'm just going to use this blog, and write a little bit about each photo. Who knows how long I will be able to keep this up, especially once the baby arrives, but I'm sure going to try! Also, Im not a pro photographer or anything it's just for fun. So, here is my first photo:

Day 1

I have picked up my guitar again these past few days. I have owned this guitar for at least 9 years, but as evidenced by the dust on it I don't play it very often. I have taught myself a few chords and can play some really basic songs. I really would love to be able to play properly though. Maybe this year I will learn a little more and play more often.
